dah bekpesS mls sa mok lunch..
ermm...ku nak ngsOo sumting...
ihk...mala jak sO op ehk..haha~sowi la..
saja jak..ku terbaca sumting tek..
suRat tang kereQ..soH ku tesenyum sorang3 pan pc..
juh ku nak molah tak urg senyum wak lok..eceh...mun da prasaan la..haha~
"surat Pusut cinta"(translet cgek2)
-Tijah(bukan nama sbena)
Hi, my motive write this letter is to give know you
something. I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION US. I have think about this very cook.
I know i clap one hand only. Correctly, i have see you and she together at town with my eyes self. you always request apology back back. I don't trust you again!!!
My friend speak you play three wood. New i know you correct correct play three wood. so, i break off to pull my body from this love triangle.
I know this result i pick is very correct,because you love shevery high from me. so, i break off to go far from here. But i always love where also i live....Safe live......
6 ♥love me =):
nAk pO mO sUrAt yO pELik IlAk pIo eyh...hEhE....
Aok ehss... Po mo surat yo... Gelik ati nangga surat ya... Nasib surat ya sik merik sekali lagu melayu yg jiwang karat.... Mun ndak kenak tikam lam tong uras terus surat ya ehss...
yO lah hey..ndak ndey moleyh surat ilak...ndak mek auk wak...pOni hah nyO molah surat pyO..angOi mek mbacO..ekeke~ajaii2..bahaii kjO..ekeke
Aaa ada mek nrimak surat tok lam email mek taun ya tek. Mula2 eran juak mek baca.. bila dah abis baca..duhal direct translation from English duhal ehek XD
kmk da juak dpt emel tok... tp bila baca gik tek nang lucu bergoleng2 eh... heheheheh...
ahaha! kita jak dapat paham pa tulis nya.. susah kali jak nak paham! ahaha! ada gik peribahasa main kayu tiga ya!
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