

adoiii -_-''

adOii~i can't sleep..
kilat !! bromm~ bruMMm!!ee...
takut~ uhuk~='(
B ~ katupkan mata ayg ya!!
can't katup3..takuutt~ <<--tapi sempat update blOg..huhu nah~ layan...semoga boleh tidor dengan lena!!

*psst :- katup = tutup..huhu..nunitee!!


Hantaran From Him To me

Hantaran From Him To me
Black+meroOn Theme =)
let cuci2 mata sama2..ngee~

Baju kurung Moden =) wink2

hijab =)


handbags & shoes

ferrero rocher & cadbury..yumss~ i luv it..;)

towel sets

shiseido makeup set

makeup set*thanks buk limah..hihii~

Elle watch

Al-Quran dan terjemahan wif rehal


Watikah Pertunangan + Sticky Album *thanks 4 yen&AfiQ =)

duit pembuka mulut..muahaha <<--erk?!haha sireh junjung..

muah-muahxx han..

flowers bouquet

Batik Merak


CinCin!! =)

All gubahan hantaran was done by his mom's
I love all of them, they are just perfect..thanks mom auntie ;)
thank sayang. Muahxx...hihii~

*hantaran DONE =) 19
dulang berbalas 21 :)


DIY- My engagement Hantaran

Do it Your-Self-yay i did go diy on my own hantaran
*psttt:-ekcelli i segan nak tunjuk hantaran i yang cincai-bincai hihi!!*sO..i buat2 tak malu k guys..*blusing*

Oh.. believe it or not i've done my hantaran sendiri2 (ceh macam xcaye :P),
i did go diy on my own hantaran,and i am very happy with the accomplishment.
Hantarans always lasts 1-2 days after datz day,and that makes me feel very "sayang" to let it go.So,gurls,that is the point of having a good, no, GREAT photographer to capture your big day details.=)

I chose Red,Silver and Pink theme for my hantaran.I did not plan to have fresh flowers,
because of
time , budget constraints & susah mau carik..huhu~.
So,i bought artificial daisy from niLai 3.
I took my own time doing it,zup-zap_zaz (-_-‘’).
Roughly it was 3days before my eDays

All of these are made by me..huhu* even ‘cincai2’ but I LOVE it..



levis jeans =)



L'oreal 4 meN





cafling & wallet

DsLr *Nikon D3oo

muah-muaxxx han..hihi

sireh?erk?sireh ermm*kauliti gambo xbagiuh..
ekeke~ *alasan

Beg =)

kain pelikat~lalala & tasbih cinta

Cincin tapi xde Dalam :P


belt & choc


HandmaDe Chocolate

gurls * If you are going DIY,please try not to procrastinate until the "injury time" just like me :P.sesungguhnya The last thing a bride wants is to worry about things that can be done ahead of time ;)oh ..huh~ dats what I felt anyway ngee~

There is one kind of a good feeling when you are able to look back to your big day and be happy and content about how it went. Of course flaws are inevitable,like people say,kita hanya merancang tapi Allah yang menentukan,right? My advice,plan,do,pray and be happy :)

Beautiful Blogger Award*wink*


“ 1 thing 2 do

3 words 4 U

1 luv U “

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.

A Million Thanks 2 my beloved OpiYa OneL & my bestie saSha a.K.a MumYalya 4 this award!!
& sOrry,i'm late wat enty ni la dear.. ~_~ huhuu..

2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic

-ermm..boleh x if atiey bagi kat sume readers..eklass taw =) sudi2 le amik ye =)

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award

4. State 7 things about yourself.

7 things about me ('',)

1)ngengada dalam diam..huahuahua..ini u'ol HARUS taw..ekeke
2)suka makan kari! yumss >.<
3)xske air kosong <<--kenyataan yang harus d ubah
4)say no pada ubat-ubatan yang baik untok kesihatan <<--nape ni?
5)Sangatt suka berangan
6) kadang2 blur kadang2 aktif kadang2 tah pape..huhu
7) psstt... takut kuchingg -_-"..ermm..pecah rahsia..huhu


Penyembuh Rindu

uhuk2(batuk kecik)hihii
ermm..masuk ni da 13 kali aku asyik ulang2 nyanyi lagu yang sama2..hihi~
merdu bak kuching..miaow~miaow~hihii
so..sebelum mataku terpejam..nak sheare le kat u'ol..
layan~ b 4 ttO k..nunite~
*teringat kat sumOne..huhu~*

Penyembuh Rindu - Mawi ft Diana

Adakah kau berada di sana
Ku dapat rasa kehadiranmu
Walau hanya di dalam kalbu
Ku merindumu selalu

Pelik juga tapi kupun rasa
Bagai kau berdiri disisiku
Terkenangkan waktu ketika
Berdampingan bersama-sama

Setiap pertemuan
Pasti akan temu detik perpisahan
Walau kini terpisah
Kenangkanlah saat indah
Sebagai penyembuh rindu

Kita tak ditakdirkan bersama
Untuk masa yang lebih lama
Biarpun hanya seketika
Kehadiranmu dirasa..rasa

Setiap pertemuaan
Pasti akan temu detik perpisahan
Walau kini terpisah

Kenangkanlah saat indah sebagai penyembuh rindu
Kenangkanlah saat indah sebagai penyembuh rindu

Mini Pelamin =)

Mini pelamin..adoii..ekcelli aku xtaw nak mula cite camne ye..aa..
Once Upon a Time..keh3..melalut d petang hari..tah pape..ermm..
seperti mne yang aku rancangkan..
mini pelamin seperti d entri ini..ini..Dan inii..

akhirnya..mini pelamin DIY Berjaya d siapkan..
tapi kan..hasil agak kelam kelibut cket..
sbb terlalu ramai tangan yang sungguh berSeni & kretip yang nak wat..
dari yang kecik(kanak2 rebina lagi) sampai ke dewasa teramat (nenek2ku) ekeke~ sume menyimpan hasrat suci murni nak tolong..
tolong tengok | tolong kacau | tolong komen | tolong baring2 | tolong wat bising..alah..macam2 jenis tulun pon ada..
naik pOning d buat nye..
anway..thanks 4 them..tanpa diorang..
tak happening taw..=)

simple..but yet lovely romantic (eyh romantic ke?..ekeke)

c..minikan?miniii le sangat..hihii

b4 majlis~ *abaikan kerusi plastik yg aku
tak pasti dari mne datang nye 2..ekeke


I miss blogging

Salam peeps!
Tired of waiting for my new update??
I miss my blog dow -_-. More than anyone do.
siyesly i Haven't got time to update my blog for quite a while.
huhu~Ignored my blog for awhile,
busy with work lately and I can’t spend much time blogging about stuff.
Sometimes I've been a silent viewer to my own blog.
Fyi,I've been drafting a lot lately but never finished 'em.
I'll try to go back to square one and publish those
worth-waiting-ordinary-stories asap okay!
Insya Allah..
Will write a proper post next time.
See you!

*miss them* {me&my fiancee wif beloved mum,uncles ,Cuzzies & nieces}

{wif org kuat *my tulang blakang* my beloved mum, sis & cuzzi}
*sila abaikan permandangan kat blakang 2..sungguh berselerakkan..after majlis..
main2 tulun2 tengok org dapur..hikkss


oh! Faiz

Love this photo of Faiz my cute niece ,
cute and naughty faiz captured by qklixphotography on my Engagement Day^^
he looked so cute in that striped shirt and BIG big songkok..hihii
Oh! How you touched our heart with naughty gestures and cute smile.i love it!!

*my Engagement ceremony Photos collection.=)